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The Diary I Seldom Write


Our missing cat is back!

Tuesday, August 28. 2018

Gura had been missing for 6 weeks but he was back today!! It was July 17 that we saw him last. Since then we had been looking for him by using every possible means such as posting posters here and there, having an advertising company distribute fliers and going out in search of him every evening. He was staying at a barn of a farmer’s house about two kilometers away from our house for these several days. Gura was so friendly that the wife of the house thought that he might have been a pet cat. She asked a vet nearby whether there was a report of missing cats which fitted the cat at the barn and she took the cat to the vet. We had reported our missing cat to all animal hospitals in the city. The vet to which she took the cat scanned him and found a microchip which showed them everything about Gura. Hardly had we been received the call from an animal clinic when I left for the vet. There he was! He looked skinnier than before but became sturdy. Though he is still nine-month old, he seems to be more mature. He must have had something too tough during six-week strayed period. I thank the spirit of Guri who was his sister cat and died in the traffic accident on July 12 as well as the couple who allowed Gura to stay at their barn and the vet.






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